Meet Kari, a busy 38-year-old woman with 3 children who presented into our office complaining of horrible menstrual cycles, anxiety, depression and adult acne. She is under a great deal of stress that also manifests itself musculo-skeletally. She loves being active however she finds even a small walk will wear her out and make her not feel well. Growing up she was relatively healthy and very active and never had any “major” problems.
Kari was referred to our office to get more answers, and to have different questions asked.
Physical Signs and Symptoms
Upon evaluation, Katie seems like a normal on the go mom and entrepreneur. However, looking a little closer I could see dark circles under her eyes, a thinness/fragility about her, thinning hair and overall exhaustion.
A deeper look
Once we evaluated the initial paperwork and looked a little closer we could tell that her body was under a great deal of stress and beginning to fail her. She would get plenty of sleep at night however still wake up exhausted, by the mid afternoon she needed to lay down to rest and get ready for her kids to get home. This really impacted her ability to get work done and the everyday work of running a household.
We had several tests run to search for the underlying problems that are making her feel like this. We began by evaluating the 6 pillars of health and found that she had mitochondrial dysfunction, sex hormone dysregulation and under a lot of stress.